EURenOmics News
Here you will find EURenOmics specific news.
For news directly from the European Commission, please use the links to the left.
Fifth Periodic and Final Reports approved by the EC
The EURenOmics project ended on 30. September 2017 and by now, the European Commission has approved the fifth Periodic Report as well as the final report without any major comments. EURenOmics has been very successful during its 5-year runtime, ranging from 01. October 2012 to 30. September 2017.
In the five years of its existence, the Consortium has exhibited impressive scientific dissemination activities. More than 5 publications per month were published between year one and five. To date, 318 publications acknowledging EURenOmics funding appeared in scientific journals, thereof 1 in the New England Journal of Medicine, 5 in The Lancet, 5 in Nature Genetics, 1 in Nature Medicine, 1 in Nature Cell Biology and 2 in Nature Communications, 2 in Science Translational Medicine, 4 in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, and no less than 75 in the two top nephrology journals JASN and Kidney International. Eight review articles were published in Nature Reviews Nephrology, the specialty’s leading review journal, and one in Physiology reviews. The cumulative impact factor was 2,249 (mean 7.1 per publication).
In addition to the excellent publication record, the Consortium’s research results were disseminated at multiple national and international scientific and health research meetings, congresses and symposia. A total of 619 oral presentations were given (597 at scientific meetings and 23 to a wider public) and 128 posters were shown; 564 presentations were held at international, and 237 at national meetings. Seventeen scientific meetings (congresses, conferences, symposia and workshops) were organized and 17 press releases were generated. These included several events of public interest beyond rare kidney disease, such as two Workshops on Drug Development in Orphan Diseases organized by our partner in Bergamo, Italy, which led to important position papers.
A summary of the fifth project year of EURenOmics can be found following the link below:
EURenOmics Project Summary Year 5
And an overall summary of the entire 5-year project duration can be found here:
EURenOmics Executive Summary
EURenOmics team takes a first step towards sustainability at the EURenOmics Dissemination and Exploitation workshop
On July 11, 2017 more than 30 representatives from the EURenOmics project and the recently launched European Rare Kidney Disease Reference Network (ERKNet) met in Paris, France, for a whole-day Dissemination and Exploitation workshop that was hosted by EURenOmics partner CMAST.
With the EURenOmics project just nearly finished, this workshop provided an ideal opportunity to explore possibilities for future collaborations and sustaining the outcomes of EURenOmics, both at a project and community level. In this view, the direct exchange with ERKNet members greatly helped in developing joint strategies for research covering the range of very basic research all the way to clinical research and care.
The workshop followed a co-creative approach to explore the wealth of EURenOmics outcomes and to initiate the first steps towards furthering those outcomes towards concrete actions. After an initial brainstorm, 4 opportunities were selected to focus on during an action planning session. These initial plans will be further developed in the coming weeks and months, and will be a first step towards long-term sustainability of EURenOmics.
EURenOmics Video Interviews released
EURenOmics taped several video interviews with partners of the project:
- Franz Schaefer - Coordinator of EURenOmics
- Charlotte Gimpel - Public Relations Officer and Scientist
- Marieke van Meel - Patient Representative
- Marina Noris - Leader of WP5 (Complement disorders)
- Pierre Ronco - Leader of WP3 (Membranous Nephropathy)
You can find the videos following this link: EURenOmics Videos
Fourth Periodic Report approved by the EC
The European Commission has approved the fourth Periodic Report from EURenOmics without any major comments. EURenOmics has been very successful during its third reporting period, ranging from 01. October 2015 to 30. September 2016.
In the first four years of its existence, the Consortium has exhibited impressive scientific dissemination activities. Almost 5 publications per month were published between year one and four. To date, 227 publications acknowledging EURenOmics funding appeared in scientific journals, thereof 1 in the New England Journal of Medicine, 5 in The Lancet, 4 in Nature Genetics, 1 in Nature Medicine, 2 in Science Translational Medicine, 4 in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, and 48 in the two top nephrology journals JASN and Kidney International. A cumulative impact factor of 1687 (mean 7.4 per publication) was achieved. Almost 25% of the publications are co-authored by several EURenOmics partners, demonstrating the intense collabo-ration among the Consortium’s partners.
In addition to the excellent publication record, the partners disseminated their research findings at numerous scientific and health research meetings. Since the start of the project, 484 oral presentations were given (463 at scientific meetings and 21 to a wider public) and 92 posters were shown; 441 presentations were held at international, and 175 at national meetings.
A summary of the fourth project year of EURenOmics can be found following the link below:
EURenOmics Project Summary Year 4
The third EURenOmics Newsletter has been published
EURenOmics has just published its third newsletter. It can be downloaded here or via the right sidebar.
The next version is planned for the fall 2017 and we expect around two newsletters per year. Check back here for more information.
Registration is open for the 3rd IRDiRC Conference in Paris, France
We invite you to join us at the 3rd conference of the International Rare Diseases Research Consortium (IRDiRC), which will take place February 8-9, 2017 in Paris, France at the conference center of Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC) Jussieu.
A strong and exciting program has been put together, with 3 plenary sessions and 4 parallel sessions, featuring prominent international speakers. At a glance, the program will start by discussing the state of rare diseases research on a global scale, and will be followed by highlights of transformative efforts within the areas of foundational, diagnostics and therapeutics research. On the second day, new approaches to rare diseases research and trends in the field will be highlighted. The conference will close by discussing how to transform rare diseases research over the course of the next 10 years, including a panel discussion on the next set of IRDiRC goals for 2017-2027.
In addition to compelling talks, the 3rd IRDiRC Conference offers an array of networking opportunities for a diverse set of rare disease professionals and stakeholders from the rare disease world. Young investigators are encouraged to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentations.
Registration and abstract submission is now open, and the early registration rate is in effect until November 30, 2016. Reduced rates are available for trainees, patient advocates, and IRDiRC Scientific Committee and Task Force members.
For more information and registration, go to
Pierre Ronco receives the 2016 ERA-EDTA Award for Outstanding Basic Science Contributions to Nephrology
Our project partner Pierre Ronco from UPMC-INSERM was just awareded the 2016 ERA-EDTA Award for Outstanding Basic Science Contributions to Nephrology. This award mainly recognizes contributions to the field of membranous nephropathy, a major theme of our consortium.
The award will be given during the Opening Ceremony at the next ERA-EDTA Vienna Congress on May 21, 2016. Please follow this link for more information.
- Pierre Ronco, award recipient
The second EURenOmics Newsletter has been published
EURenOmics has just published its second newsletter. It can be downloaded here or via the right sidebar.
The next version is planned for the fall 2016 and we expect around two newsletters per year. Check back here for more information.
Third Periodic Report approved by the EC
The European Commission has approved the third Periodic Report from EURenOmics without any major comments. EURenOmics has been very successful during its third reporting period, ranging from 01. October 2014 to 30. September 2015.
In the first three years of its existence, the Consortium has exhibited impressive scientific dissemination activities. More than 5 publications per month were published in the second and third project year. To date, 152 publications acknowledging EURenOmics funding appeared in scientific journals, thereof 1 in the New England Journal of Medicine, 4 in The Lancet, 3 in Nature Genetics, 1 in Nature Medicine, 3 in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, and 35 in the top nephrology journals JASN and Kidney International. A cumulative impact factor of 1212 (mean 8.0 per publication) was achieved. The fraction of publications coauthored by several EURenOmics partners increased from 17.7% in 2014 to 30.8% in 2015, demonstrating the growing collaboration among the Consortium’s partners.
In addition to the excellent publication record, the partners disseminated their research findings at numerous scientific and health research meetings. Since the start of the project, 393 oral presentations were given (373 at scientific meetings and 20 to a wider public) and 62 posters were shown; 317 talks/posters were presented at international, and 138 at national meetings.
A summary of the third project year of EURenOmics can be found following the link below:
EURenOmics Project Summary Year 3
EURenOmics is part of the International Digital Nephropathology Network (INTEGRATE), supported by Leica Biosystems
The INTERNATIONAL DIGITAL NEPHROPATHOLOGY NETWORK (INTEGRATE) is a world wide collaborative effort of three consortia: NEPTUNE, EURenOmics and China-DiKip, focused on the standardization of the renal biopsy profile. In an effort to fight renal diseases, the INTEGRATE alliance of distinguished thought leaders in nephrology and pathology came together to discuss the standardization of pathology scoring processes for globalization of the renal biopsy assessment. The first symposia were held in San Diego, CA, early November, in conjunction with the American Society of Nephrology conference.
We are happy to announce that this collaborative effort is supported by Leica Biosystems. For more info, see the Leica Biosystems press release.
The EURenOmics Project Meeting was a great success
The EURenOmics project meeting 2015 took place from April 8th to 10th, 2015 in Heidelberg, Germany. Around 100 people from all EURenOmics partners and Associated Partners attended the three day meeting that dealt with topics ranging from Nephrogenetic epidemiology over NGS Panel Screening and Exome/genome sequencing to Systems Biology. Everyone felt that the meeting was a great success.
The next meeting is planned around April 2016 in Paris, hosted by EURenOmics partner Corinne Antignac from INSERM.
- Meeting Participants of the EURenOmics meeting 2015
The first EURenOmics Newsletter has been published
EURenOmics has just published its first newsletter. It can be downloaded here or via the right sidebar.
The next version is planned for September 2015 and new editions should come out roughly two or three times a year. Check back here for more information.
Second Periodic Report approved by the EC
The European Commission has approved the second Periodic Report from EURenOmics without any major comments. EURenOmics has been very successful during its second reporting period, ranging from 01. October 2013 to 30. September 2014.
In the first two years of its existence, the Consortium has exhibited impressive scientific dissemination activities. The consortium partners published 92 publications in scientific journals, with a cumulative impact factor of 769 (mean 8.7 per publication). In addition, the partners disseminated their research findings at numerous scientific and health research meetings. Since the start of the project, 249 oral presentations were given (241 at scientific meetings and 8 to a wider public) and 35 posters were shown; 154 presentations were made at international, and 95 at national meetings.
A summary of the second project year of EURenOmics can be found following the link below:
EURenOmics Project Summary Year 2
Rare Disease Day 2014
On rare disease day 2014 please consider donating to NephcEurope. Since many years their volunteers, parents and patients work together to improve health care for Nephrotic Syndrome. The foundation is dedicated to patient advocacy, stimulating research and the development of new treatments.
European researchers are ready to do their work, NephcEurope will support them where they can.
Please support their efforts by donating:
- Meeting Participants of EURenOmics, NeurOmics and RD-Connect
Joint Rare Disease Meeting, 23-26 Feb 2014
The joint annual EURenOmics, NeurOmics and RD-Connect meeting 2014 took place from February 23 to 26 in Heidelberg, Germany. This meeting provided the one opportunity throughout the year for participants in all three projects to come together and discuss collaborative issues and ideas. A number of joint and project specific sessions took place throughout the three days. In addition to this, several useful training sessions were given.
Almost 300 partners, associated partners and advisory committee members were able to attend and actively participate in the meeting. The discussions both within and between projects were highly valuable and we genuinely believe that the meeting continues to inspire the successful collaboration.
- Plenary Session on the first meeting day.
Joint Kick-Off meeting 25-27 Jan 2013
The joint Kick-Off meeting of three EU-funded projects aiming to combat rare diseases, EURenOmics, NeurOmics and RD-Connect, took place in Sitges near Barcelona, Spain, on 25-27 January 2013.
More than 200 partners, associated partners and advisory committee members were able to attend and actively participate in the meeting. The discussions both within and between projects were highly valuable and we genuinely believe that the meeting marks the start of a successful collaboration.
- Meeting Participants of EURenOmics, NeurOmics and RD-Connect
Press event 24 Jan 2013
To mark the launch of 4 European-funded flagship projects to combat rare diseases, EURenOmics, NeurOmics and RD-Connect together with the International Rare Disease Consortium IRDiRC were holding a press event at Camp Nou, Barcelona on January 24, that was attended by 50 representatives of media and interest groups
Download the Press Release.
Read the press coverage:
Malta Star
The Delta World
Download the list of press mentions.
Grant Agreement signed
Coordinated by Prof. Franz Schaefer from the Heidelberg University Medical Center, Germany, this FP7 funded 5-year project will start its work on 1 October 2012.
EURenOmics unites 19 academic and 8 SME partners from 10 European countries and the US in an international consortium of scientific excellence, bringing together leading clinical, genetic and translational researcher in an unprecedented clinical research network in the field of rare kidney disease.
As the highest ranking proposal of its call, the project was awarded 12 million Euros to study the underlying causes and molecular pathways of several rare and neglected kidney disorders with eminent need and potential for diagnostic and therapeutic progress, using latest “Omics” technologies. Besides the elucidation of fundamental scientific questions, the project will focus strongly on the development of innovative diagnostic tools and biomarkers as well as models for the screening of potential therapeutic agents. This could open the possibility of individualized therapies for the benefit of the more than 30,000 newly diagnosed patients per year suffering from these debilitating kidney diseases.